Can I Buy It Myself or Do I Need Purchasing Services Involvement?
- Check PPP4 to see if the goods or service you are interested in purchasing require special approval or handling. Follow the individual instructions in PPP4 if the item is listed. If not, continue on to step 2.
- If the total transaction is over $5000, you need purchasing involvement. (This means that if all the items/services that you require in this transaction will be over $5000, Purchasing Services needs to be involved, including if all the items on your requisition add up to $5000 or more even though no single item is over $5000). If not, continue on to step 3.
- If the item does not require special approvals and is under $5000,
you can purchase it yourself by choosing any of the following methods
which best apply to your situation:
- Shop@UW
- Purchasing Card
- External Requisition
- Blanket Order
- Direct Payment (DP)
- Payment to Individuals Report (PIR)
- Imprest Account (Petty Cash)
- Also check How To Process Non-Requisition Payments for more information about when to use a P-card vs Direct Payment (DP) vs. PIR vs. e-Reimbursement.
Your division or department may have alternate or additional rules and these instructions are not meant to supercede any that are put forth by your area of campus. Please feel free to contact Purchasing Services with any questions you may have regardless of the dollar amount of the goods or services you wish to procure.