Exhibit D - Guidelines for determining Capital Equipment
An acquisition qualifies as capital equipment if it meets three criteria:
- Item has a per-unit acquisition cost of $5,000.00 or more, before any trade-in allowance if applicable.
- The acquired item has a useful life expectancy of one year or more.
- The item purchased is moveable; that is, it is not permanently affixed to a building or another object in such a way as to lose its unique identity.
If the three criteria above are met, then the following can be capitalized in addition to the cost:
- Freight
- In-transit insurance
- Preparing the site or asset for intended use
- Training
- Installation
- Value received from trade-in of an existing asset
Costs that cannot be capitalized:
- Repair or replacement costs, spare parts (e.g. parts, labor)
- Maintenance and warranty agreements
- Consumables/disposable items used with capital equipment (e.g. pipets, slides, chemicals, liquids, gases, or similar supporting supplies)
- Items considered as part of a building or permanently installed or affixed to a building (e.g. sinks, window air conditioners, fume hoods, buried fuel tanks)M