Description |
5708 |
Grants or aid to entities and organizations (both profit and non-profit) including universities other than institutions of the UW System. The budget and mission of the department should provide for this type of expenditure. |
5709 |
Scholarship/Fellowship Support (Payments made to U.S. Citizen or other U.S. Person, including documented resident aliens
Scholarship/Fellowship support payments to individuals that are a U.S. Citizen or other U.S. Person, including documented resident aliens).
Must be registered as a student in the UW System and receive degree-counting credit.
All payments to students must follow the guidelines and tool provided at Payments to Students. These guidelines and tool provide assistance to users in determining the intent of a payment made to a student and the proper payment mechanism to use to make the payment to a student. It also provides guidelines for correct payment procedures to ensure compliance with all applicable federal, state, and UW rules and regulations.
Must be coded to other than Program Code 9 (Financial Aid).
- Include direct payments to vendors for expenses incurred on the student's behalf.
- For scholars/fellows, with recurring monthly payments, use Payroll account codes 5712, 5732, or 5742.
- Do Not use this Account Code for: Travel reimbursements where travel is at the request of or directed by the University or principal investigator and the individual complies with UW Travel Regulations.
- Do Not use this Account Code for: Scholarships/Fellowships or Scholarship/fellowship Support payments to Nonresident Aliens (NRA). For Nonresident Aliens (NRA), use Payroll account code 5714 Payrolled Scholarships/Fellowships (Payments made to Nonresident Aliens (NRA)).
- Use account code 3755 Participant Support Allowance (Non-student) (Non-employee) for payments to non-student, non-employees participants or trainees for federally sponsored conferences or training projects to defray costs to participate, as defined in 2 CFR 200 - Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards and sponsor policy.
5710 |
Scholarship/Fellowship Support (Non-Employees & Non-Registered UW Students)
Scholarship/Fellowship support payments, to non-employees and individuals not registered as a student in the UW System and who do not receive degree-counting credit.
Must be coded to other than Program Code 9 (Financial Aid).
- Include direct payments to vendors for expenses incurred on the student’s behalf.
- Students must be registered at an academic institution outside the UW System.
- Do not include reimbursements or payments to employees or to non-employees who render a service to the UW.
- Use account code 3755 Participant Support Allowance (Non-student) (Non-employee) for payments to non-student, non-employees participants or trainees for federally sponsored conferences or training projects to defray costs to participate, as defined in 2 CFR 200 - Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards and sponsor policy.
5711 |
Scholarship/Fellowship Aid - Excluding Loans (Payments made to U.S. Citizen or other U.S. Person, including documented resident aliens)
Scholarship/Fellowship support payments to individuals that are a U.S. Citizen or other U.S. Person, including documented resident aliens).
Must be registered as a student in the UW System and receive degree-counting credit.
All payments to students must follow the guidelines/tool provided at Payments to Students. These guidelines/tool provide assistance to users in determining the intent of a payment made to a student and the proper payment mechanism to use to make the payment to a student. It also provides guidelines for correct payment procedures to ensure compliance with all applicable federal, state, and UW rules and regulations.
Must be coded to Program Code 9 (Financial Aid).
- Include direct payments to vendors for expenses incurred on the student’s behalf.
- For scholars/fellows, with recurring monthly payments, use Payroll account codes 5712, 5732, or 5742.
- Do Not use this Account Code for: Travel reimbursements where travel is at the request of or directed by the University or principal investigator and the individual complies with UW Travel Regulations.
- Do Not use this Account Code for: Scholarships/Fellowships or Scholarship/fellowship Support payments to Nonresident Aliens (NRA). For Nonresident Aliens (NRA), use Payroll account code 5714 Payrolled Scholarships/Fellowships (Payments made to Nonresident Aliens (NRA)).
- Use account code 3755 Participant Support Allowance (Non-student) (Non-employee) for payments to non-student, non-employees participants or trainees for federally sponsored conferences or training projects to defray costs to participate, as defined in 2 CFR 200 - Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards and sponsor policy.
5713 |
Tuition and fees paid on behalf of students registered in the UW System who receive degree-counting credit. For use only with Program 9. |
5714 |
Payrolled SCHOLARSHIPS/FELLOWSHIPS (Payments made to Nonresident Aliens (NRA)) (For Payroll Use Only)
Scholarships/Fellowships and Scholarship/Fellowships support payments made to a Nonresident Aliens (NRA) individual registered as a student in the UW System. Include student achievement payments when the payments must be used for education.
Note: For scholars/fellows, who render a service to the University; use Payroll account codes 5712, 5732, or 5742. (Must be coded to other than Program Code 9 (Financial Aid)).
Do Not use this Account Code for: Scholarships/fellowships or Scholarship/fellowship Support payments to U.S. Citizens or other U.S. Person, including a resident alien. For U.S. Citizens or other U.S. Person, including a resident alien, use account codes 5709 and 5711. |
5730 |
To transfer disallowed financial aid expenditures from a federal grant account to Fund 150. SFS Code 5730 should be used for both sides of transfer. Refer to SFS Code 3850 if the transfer is not to Fund 150. |
5750 |