Account Codes for Tuition/Training Fees
Description |
TUITION AND FEES - CAREER RELATED Tuition and fees for undergraduate level courses at an educational institution (e.g., a UW campus, private university, vocational/technical school, etc.) or other course taken to meet the minimum educational requirements for a job, or will qualify the employee for a new trade or business. Graduate level courses that are career-related rather than job-related, and professional development courses such as Bar Exam Review, CPA Review, etc., should be charged to this code. The IRS generally considers courses leading to the completion of a professional degree in a given field or discipline to be education that qualifies the employee for a new trade or business. Include employee's Empl ID number. Clear documentation of career relationship should be on file for any graduate level course reimbursement that is coded to 2180. Refer to Account 2184 for job related training. Refer to UW System Administrative Policy SYS 210, Educational Assistance for Faculty and Staff for additional information. |
TUITION AND FEES - JOB RELATED TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT Payments to or on behalf of employees for all types of job-related training. Refer to UW System Administrative Policy SYS 210, Educational Assistance for Faculty and Staff for additional information. This may include training such as:
To qualify as job-related, the training/course must be:
Reimbursements to employees for job related course tuition/fees will not be reported as income to the employee. Training taken to meet the minimum educational requirements for employment or training that will qualify the employee for a new trade or business cannot be charged to this code. See accounts 2180 or 2181. Use the appropriate travel account codes for travel expenses. |
INTEREST EXPENSE - PROMPT PAYMENT Interest payments required under Wisconsin Statutes section 16.528 which established that state agencies are liable for payment of interest if vendors are not paid in a timely manner. |